I want to connect jupyter notebook to spark driver and worker node and trying to access Minio S3 bucket in …
Is there a way to copy data from S3 into Snowflake without manually defining the columns beforehand?
Can someone elaborate this in details?
Can someone let me know the steps to connect Denodo from python ?
Actually I have a view in Denodo …
I am trying to sync the data from POSTGRES to SNOWFLAKE of 10M rows table. But after pulled 600k …
how to get count of occurrences of phone-number in excel sheet using django
I was able to use an api to get the data, for example:
{"aid": "1773022", "url": "hdsrgrg022", "papers": [{"paperId": "17", …
Is there a way to push the footer to the bottom of the page? I don't want to make the …
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Code':['1001','1002','1003','1004'],
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Code':['1001','1002','1003'],
How can i concat this two to make one DataFrame of …
I have a Django model where there is FileField to upload files. I want to upload the files in the …
I am trying to create an api which get an json input and convert it into the protocol buffer,but getting …
Hi, I'm confused between the terms scripting and coding , can anyone explain the difference between python script and python …
Looking for a simple explanation with an example
I am simply clueless cause I am new to this language. I want to create a detail page where I …
How can compare the Strings in java
Exaplin with example please?
I have a requirement to get the data from MYSQL table, The table has date column.
Based on date filter …
Thanks in advance.
If possible how can we do it?
In c++ it is quite easy ,but I cant get it on python.. …
Example please?
Can anyone explain css flexbox with example? Thank you.
Thanks in advance.
I am new to salesforce. Please explain?
In sql Query we can use (TOP LIMIT, ROWNUM )
what is purpose of TOP, LIMIT, ROWNUM Query
What is Difference between Functional Testing and Non Functional Testing
I have a models named Restaurant ,i want to fetch all the restaurant within the 3km radius of user's current …
Explain please?
I was trying to setup a svelte js in django to build an ecommerce website. Then, I found out …
While writing code and running it we halt due to some run time errors and exceptions,so
How to handle those …
This query will give us John, Sam, Tom, Tom because they all have the same email.
However, what I want …
Hello everyone ,
I am having problem in using active class in django based on page opened when it is …
I have a staff list. I have a model for this as follows.
class NumberOfMealsEaten(models.Model):
month = models.ForeignKey(Months, on_delete=models.CASCADE) …
Please explain
I am new to php, and I am learning it so to store the information of the user in database …
Explain in detail?
How can merge two disctionaries in a single expression by taking union of dictionarie ?
Difference between Exploratory Testing and Usablity Testing
I am little bit confused about joins in MYSQL?
In what way we can use them?
And how many types …
I'm not sure how to save the form into the database. I know the form is not valid because I …
What is the different between Manual testing and Automation Testing
Anyone please help me in establishing connection in php to localhost...
Thanks in advance........
could any one explain clearly with examples
Details Explanation of STLC ?
What is Difference between Functional Testing and Non Functional Testing
I am newbie to python. It would be great if someone help to create the high level script to get …
Is there any way to generate random numbers in python?
If there is a way ,what is it?
How many …
Recently I have been working on php pages...
So I am not clear whether it is possible to include php …
If it is possible please suggest me a way...
Any answer from you guys will be appreciated....
Can I know the exact difference between them and when should we use them ....
Thanks in advance.....
input = 'a+b++b+++c++5+6+7++8+9++10'
string = input.split('+')
when we run this code the output is ['a', 'b', '', 'b', '', …
These loops are really confusing ......
Any explanation with example will be of great help...
Help me out please
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "no" ?>
In first line …
I've created a Circular Simple Linked List class, but when I try to delete the first element from the list, …
If possible please suggest me away....
It will help us a lot
Thanks in advance...
When I fill the form with data correctly, it creates the account and redirects to the login page - just …
What is the scope of variables in javascript?
Any answer along with examples will be really helpful...........
How to Create a Table in SQL?
Please explain?
I have recently upgraded my Rstudio to the latest version but now whenever I start Rstudio it gives me an …
Why should we use lambda function ?
Purpose of lambda function and difference between normal function ,lambda function...
Any response …
Can anyone explain in detail. Thanks
Thanks in advance
SQL INSERT INTO Statement is used to add new rows of data to a table in the database.
I want to know the purpose self in python which are used in classes?
What happens if we do not …
Is there something in JavaScript similar to @import
in CSS that allows you to include a JavaScript file inside to …
Is it possible to prepare django form without using models
If possible please help me out...
Hi guys ,actually I am having a list of elements which have duplicate elements also.......
So I want to find …
public void myMethod (String... strings) {
// method body
What do the 3 dots in the above problem method mean?
Any help would be appreciated
Thanks in advance
Please explain?
I am unable to understand what is the difference between the sets,lists,tuples,and dict....
And when to use those ....
Any …
Is it possible to apply the shadow effect using css...
If possible help me out please........
How do I access the index in a for
loop, such that the output will be like below...
item …
I have tried many times but cant overcome it....
Any help would be appreciated...
for (Type type : types) { …
Can someone explain in brief please!!
What do you understand by Reentrant Synchronization in Java programming language?
from django.contrib import admin
# Register your models here.
from Product.models import Catagory, Product
class ProductAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
list_display = ['title', 'status', 'created_at', 'updated_ad', 'image_tag']
list_filter = ['title', 'created_at']
list_per_page = 10
search_fields = ['title', 'new_price', 'detail']
admin.site.register(Product, ProductAdmin)
how to use search bar in a page whwre list of items are displayed using djano
What is the function of join() method in Thread class in Java programming language?
How do I merge two dictionaries in a single expression in Python (taking union of dictionaries)?
How to use multi threading with queue
The purpose of empty pair and base class
** On entry to DGEBAL parameter number 3 had an illegal value
** On entry to DGEHRD parameter number 2 …
<div id="outer">
<div id="inner">Foo foo</div>
Any answer will be a great help......
Need to update this table in SQL Server with data from its 'parent' table
I am using openpyxl
library to write in existing Excel file in separate cells.
How do I write some text …
I want a full description.
unable to set up filter so that file paths are links.
Preliminary Info: Starting with names like Tech_backup1.tar.gz tech_backup11.tar.gz tech_backup41.tar.gz under the / home / backup folder. The Tech_backup part is …
--> operator in c++?
Hello, I'd like to know how can I use CKEditor inside Django crispy forms.
I've installed django-ckeditor and registered …
Need some sudeo code to refer ....
We have spark application which is running on cluster. After added the new spark worker its started throwing this error, …
Is there any simpler way to do ??
Facing problem , when tried to run test scripts against external websites.
I am trying to automate both internal and …
I am looking for a while loop solution ...
Trying to open an Excel with openpyxl library, however it is saving the Excel in read - only mode
Status = forms.ChoiceField(widget=forms.Select, choices=Status_choices)
in forms.py
let i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
const log = () => {
console.log(i); }
setTimeout(log, …
I am trying to get the time spent on each page in a django project using Javascript. I keep …
How can Create a Pandas DataFrames in python?
I am trying to make the like button in the post_detail.html
page clicked without refreshing the page so, I included …
How to save a screen show in directory or folder in python selenium testing ?
Can one help me
Hi my problem is that i want to distribute my django app to different users but i want it to …
Can anyone help me how to manage both versions in one Windows 10.
How to compare two strings in equal value??
What are the source code for built-in python function like code behind sorted or enumerate etc...?
I am trying to append text repeatedly to an existing file in Java. Not able to do so?
What are the main difference between an inner class and a static nested class in Java? Is it play a …
Tried writing a Java routine to evaluate math expressions from String values like:
Don’t want a lot of if-then-else …
To be specific, I was trying this code:
package hello;
public class Hello {
Clock clock = new Clock();
public …
Trying to shuffle the following Array randomly:
int[] solutionArray = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 4, 3, …
Write Python logic to count the number of capital letters in a file.
class Photo(models.Model):
image1=models.FileField(blank=True, default="",upload_to="media/images",null=True)
image2=models.FileField(blank=True, default="",upload_to="media/images",null=True)
def __str__(self):
return str(self.image1)
How can i download images from the both field on …
I'm tyring to test the Python Selenium and I have this code:
from selenium import webdriver
url = 'https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8tgRQ7DOzAbn9L7zDL8mLg/videos'
driver …
I have a python with selenium script that should be called with an argument that different for each person …
I want to translate a page that chrome doesnt recognize the language. Is there a hotkey to translate a page?
'm curious if anyone has found a work around for handling the random "Please Verify you are human" pop up …
What can I do when my pagination breaks after first page when I specify the keyword in a form for …
Not able to Implement social login authentication in Django ...
Can someone explain How a request is process in Django ?
I am fetching an external json file . Whenever I send the data in dictionary form to html page and …
And after submission an alert of "submitted successfully" should be displayed on top the screen..
I want to know if there is a way to get the time spent by each user on each page …
Hello everyone hope you all doing well.
I need little guidance/help
I want to get all slots between the start …
I am trying to add CSS styling to my html email to be sent so I used `django-inlinecss 0.3.0`
In …
How to filter latest record by date in Django?
How to login with email instead of username in Django?
How to filter data from Django models using python datetime?
How to create a project in Django?
What are the inheritance styles in Django?
What does the Django templates contain?
What is the use of session framework in Django?
Specify the features available in Django web framework?
Can you set up static files in Django? How?
How to handle URLs in Django?
I am trying to install Django in my system.
But getting an error meassge ...
C:\Python34> pip install Django
'pip' …
How Django processes a request?
and What are the different kinds of Doctypes available?
0.1 + 0.2 === 0.3 // => ???
Hi Everyone,
I am confusing here, I haev installed "django-filter" in my virtual environment. And added the same into my …
I am starting a new project using Python 3.8 and I am trying to install Pillow but returning this …
Explain localStorage and sessionStorage..
var text = 'outside';
function logIt(){
var text = 'inside';
The above code don't throws an error! …
The following recursive code will cause a stack overflow if the array list is too large. How can you fix …
How can I find the number of cores available to my application from within Java code?
Is it possible to call a constructor from another (within the same class, not from a subclass)? If yes how? …
I am getting a NoClassDefFoundError
when I run my Java application. What is typically the cause of this?
I'm getting a NoSuchMethodError
error when running my Java program. What's wrong and how do I fix it?
Is there a video tutorial that is available to follow and do web notifications. I want people who are …
What is the use of anonymous classes in Java? Can we say that usage of anonymous class is one of …
How would you check if a String was a number before parsing it?
Successfully using this code to send HTTP
requests with some parameters via GET
void sendRequest(String request)
// i.e.: …
If you have a java.io.InputStream
object, how should you process that object and produce a String
Suppose I have …
I use object != null
a lot to avoid NullPointerException
Is there a good alternative to this?
For example …
i += j;
Was just a shortcut for:
i = i + j;
But if we try this:
int i …
I have an array that is initialized like:
Element[] array = {new Element(1), new Element(2), new Element(3)};
I would like …
A model change from
standard = models.ManyToManyField(Standard)
standard = models.ManyToManyField(Standard, blank=True, null=True)
South schemamigration for this app doesn't recognize …
I would like to know what are all the possible values for the timezone argument in the Python library pytz. How …
Is it possible to temporarily disable constraints in MySQL?
I have two Django models, each with a foreign key to …
I am using Django (version 3.1) and have forgotten both admin username and password. How to reset both?
And is it …
using the Django REST Framework 2.0.
Here is my model class:
class Mission(models.Model):
assigned_to = models.ForeignKey('auth.User',
blank = True) …
How do I remove an element from a list by index in Python?
I found the list.remove
method, but say …
>>> a=[1,2,3]
>>> a.remove(2)
>>> a
[1, 3]
>>> a=[1,2,3]
>>> del a[1]
>>> a
[1, 3]
>>> a= [1,2,3] …
What's the difference between the list methods append()
and extend()
I have this program that calculates the time taken to answer a specific question, and quits out of the while …
Could you please provide some examples, script with details level steps ?
My requirement is, I am building an …
Hi ,
I want to build the multi choice form in Django template . I mean user should able to …
function arrayFromValue(item) {
arrayFromValue(10); // => ???
Hi guys ,
I face a lot of confusion between margin and padding whem I am trying …
How do I declare and initialize an array in Java?
Could you please tell me a way in python to open a file for both reading and writing......
Thanks in …
What is the difference between these template tags truncate_words, truncatewords_html and truncatechars_html?
I have an image file in the following location.
While I am trying to read by directly giving the …
Environment: Python 3.6, Django 3.0, DRF 3.11, JWT Authorization
I have a simple class in my API where I want …
Hi Guys,
Please share detail level steps to push the django code from local to Heroku server?
As I am …
I have a file and I want to add some lines to the file without overriding the lines that are …
For example:
I have a list of tuples like:
data = [(1,2,3), (4,3,6), (7,0,9)]
I want the output as:
[(7, …
I recently installed Python 3.8 onto my computer. I now have Python 3.7 and 3.8. I would like to delete …
start = int(input("Enter a number: "))
for number in range (1, start + 1):
if (number % 2 != 0): …
How to to convert object string data from the csv column into total seconds.
In my csv sheet, data looks …
Hi again
Today i deployed my django app on heroku but now i have 1 issue
When i create a …
I am creating to get data from django model to excel sheet,while doing so I am getting all the data …
I have a python function that I want to check if a certain field is present in the json that …
What is the key difference beween these CSS properties and when to use them?
Thanks in advance!
Suggest me a way to take list of numbers as input
Help from anyone will make me solve it more …
In java,
I want to delay the execution of thread for 5 sec
Is it possible to …
can any one explain details . could you please help me
I tried this code extend method , some how my code is not working my_array = array('i', [1,2,3,4,5]) my_extnd_array = …
How to Create a Database SQLite , if anyone help ,
I have (n,m)
array arr1
, where n
is almost 2.5 million and m =100
. Another arr2
is (n, …
I had both Python 2.7 and 3.5 installed on my Mac and was able to use them both successfully. Not …
class Color(Enum):
RED = 1
BLUE = 3
Is there a type expression expression Foo
such that: …
Is there any advantage to using the 'type hint' notation in python?
import sys
def parse(arg_line: int) -> str:
print …
I'm trying to create some pixelart using a matrix in pycharm, the problem is that i have never used this …
I have the a large dataframe where I calculate the p value using a t-test for each row. I now …
Given a list of instances of class A
, [A() for _ in range(5)]
, I want to randomly select …
In the df underneath, I want to sort the values of column 'cdf_X' based on column 'A' and 'X'. Column …
I have a dataframe with the patient's diagnosis in a column and using pandas I want to dichotomize the diagnosis …
I check my code using mypy
. I got these errors:
I have an object names: List[str]
, for len(names) …
[....'1', '2937', '0', '0', 'Sep 10 20:34:44 2020', 'Sep 10 20:35:41 2020', '1', '2978', '0', '0', 'Sep 10 20:34:44 2020', …
I'm writing a library in Python which makes calls to a REST API, receives results in JSON, and returns Python …
is there an older version of pip that doesn't check SSL certificates?
my corporate proxy replaces the cert from pypi …
I'm writing data to a CSV file, then once that's done, I copy the file to another directory.
This is …
Using https://github.com/jpwatts/django-positions,
I have a few models that inherit from a parent one, for example:
class ContentItem(models.Model):
class Meta: …
I'm using py.test together with pytest-selenium, now I would like to take a screenshot of page when assertion fails. …
I'm succeeded logging in sites using Selenium in Python 3.4 The login process is like below:
browser = webdriver.PhantomJS()
browser.get('url') …
I am new to DRF and I am having trouble with overriding its methods.
I would like to allow a …
I have this function that I want to read a single byte from a large file. The only problem is …
In a Django project where I need to create a form for inputs. I tried to import reverse
from django.core.urlresolvers …
After updating a Django 1.7 project to Django 1.8 and now get errors when I run the tests (that are …
Trying to start a webpage using the Django framework.
After creating the project, I tried to start an app that …
My template cannot display the image coming from my model.
src attribute comes with proper field but it does not …
Model class django.contrib.contenttypes.models.ContentType doesn't declare an explicit app_label
Any advice would be tremendously appreciated.
I'm using Python 3.4 and Django …
Using the following filters in Postman to make a POST request in a Web API but I am unable to …
For example, if passed the following:
a = []
How do I check to see if a
is empty?
I've got a nested loop construct like this:
for (Type type : types) {
for (Type t : types2) { …
So each request it sends keeps printing
{"success":false,"code":7,"message":"Ad creation cooldown has not elapsed"}
and everytime it prints this I want …
I have admin view with tabular inline:
class AddressInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Address
can_delete = False
readonly_fields = ['kind']
max_num = …
I have a small Django app with a form, wich saves some data to the DB.
Here's the form:
class …
class ColorSet(models.Model):
color = models.CharField(max_length=50, verbose_name='Color', default='', blank=True, null=True)
code = models.CharField(max_length=50, verbose_name='Code of color', default='', blank=True, null=True)
class …
Trying to define a constant with the value of model's class in the settings.py
to provide a dynamically-defined FK for …
Tried to run command:
from django.urls import path
Getting error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "< stdin >", line …
Trying to build a shared library using a C extension file but first I have to generate the output file …
My urlpatterns :
urlpatterns = [
re_path(r'^dj-admin/', admin.site.urls),
re_path(r'^admin/', include(wagtailadmin_urls)),
re_path(r'^docs/', include(wagtaildocs_urls)),
path(r'', include(wagtail_urls)),
prefix_default_language = False
] …
Viewed 15k times
In the following django model:
class MyModel(models.Model):
published = models.BooleanField(default=False)
pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')
I want the pub_date …
I am getting an 'access is denied' error when I attempt to delete a folder that is not empty. I …
problem with deleting empty directories. Here is the code:
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir_to_search):
//other codes
except …
What is the correct way to write the statement if ($a contains 'are') for below code ??
$a = 'How …
I have two Python dictionaries, and I want to write a single expression that returns these two dictionaries, merged (i.e. …
looking for a string.contains
or string.indexof
method in Python.
want to do:
if not somestring.contains("blah"):
Hi everyone,
I have a simple form with checkboxes and a submit button upon clicking, the results show up fine …
A file having number of rows and columns where the input file are not fixed. Also, there can be duplicate …
If I have a table with two columns, how do I specify any other css so that it is applied …
I have a list of tuples like
data = [(1,2,3),('soni','ansh','shivika'),('female','male','female')]
Now I want to extract the 2nd element from the …
Hello! need to ask that, do you guys helps in odoo framework too?
I had created a module in odoo …
Tell me a way..........
Hi developers, could somebody advise me how to create on-click editable table in web application in Django? I am using …
Consider two lists like:
Now I want the output as:
How can I get that........
Hi Good day Team,
I'm begginer and currently developing an eCommerce project.
I have found a tutorial on add/remove to cart …
I have a panel of stocks with these columns: Date, Ticker, Ret, MTB. I want to rank the stocks based …
I have two lists
I want the output as :
I want to know what is different between these abstract class and interface...
Answer from anyone will help me a …
Suppose there are 7 choices ,e.g 7 days
I want all the name of 7 days in a list
I …
I was trying to login in this website https://www.henryschein.com/us-en/Profiles/Login.aspx using Python Selenium and Chrome driver but it says that Access …
So my issue is that when i try to render_to_string and send the email with that message it shows only …
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args) {for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
for (int j=0; j<i; j++) …
Please tell a way......
I have a requirement to read the
{{ request.user.username }}
in Javascript to pass the value to Django backend. But …
I have the following list I want the output as:
I want the most efficient way of answer
s = [1,20, 67, 21, 56, 13]
print(*s, sep = '\n')
this is the list I have
I want this …
<span style="background-colour:red; @media (max-width:300px){background-colour:yellow;}"></span>
Is this possible?
Help me out.......
I have the following code:
class ClassA(object):
def __init__(self):
self.var1 = 5
self.var2 = 2
def methodA(self):
self.var1 = self.var1 …
Hi, I have a problem. When I try to log in in the Django Admin, this error occurs (image attached). …
I have a django web app and i want to add some like button in my feeds like facebook,twitter …
I have the following code
def fun1(par):
print('Hi this is a function without filling the parameter')
return True
And …
i have used on delete cascade and on update cascade in my database i.e, mysql. i am using django version …
i need to know if i can login more than one user in the same time because when i login …
I wanted to add a comment section but i got a post() missing 1 required positional argument: 'post_id' ` error
class …
when i create the object manager in model its not rendering properly
Actually, i am trying to pass the data to template in Detail view. But its not working. What is the …
How to hide AWS S3 URL from front end?
I have this dropdown that filter the year of a documents it is working fine but i want to use …
I am trying to add a like button using Ajax and & Jquery in Like Button but I keep getting the …
Hi again friends,
The total_likes have been hashtagged/commented in the LikeView.
The count is working perfectly in the admin and …
I am trying to switch from writing the id:pk of the blog to writing a function to add the post …
Hi there,
Thanks to you we have found a solution for moving from PK to slug in the detailed view …
I am adding a comment section for my posts, the issue is after submitting it leads to HTTP ERROR 405 …
class TokenView(ListView):
template_name = 'home.html'
queryset = Token.objects.filter(approved='Y')
Please help me on this
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
May 28, 2020 - 13:23:50
Django version 3.0.6, using settings 'ecommerce.settings'
Starting development …
I am trying to link each comment to a post and to a username
I have proceeded with the logic …
Helloo Teckiys,
I am trying to fix the add to cart and single item remove from the cart and I …
After connecting my django project with mysql localhost database i had created an app after that run the command python …
ajax code
<button>Load Data</button>
url: "loadtabledata",
type: "GET", //send it through get method
data: { …
Hi i have found an issue while developing my webapp
So i tried to render my template called marketingup.html and …
I am getting this when I run my django site's form:
Forbidden (403)
CSRF verification failed. Request aborted.
Reason given …
I have just uploaded my django project to a ubuntu server at Linode.com. I wanted to test out my site …
Hey there i cannot connect my app.. I tried to follow Corey Shaffer tutorial on how to deploy in heroku …
I am facing some challenge to formatting the Float data type in Postgresql DB.
I have order table after I …
I have added the logo for my website as a title one.
So I have used link shortcut icon set …
def isPrime(x):
if x > 1:
for i in range(2, x):
if x % i == 0:
return False
return …
I require to sftp files from one linux server to another using password authentication. I need to call this script …
I want a function like
d = dict(p1=1, p2=2)
def f2(p1, p2):
print(p1, p2)
which returns output …
How to delete token of the recently logged in user.
class MyUserManager(BaseUserManager):
def create_user(self, email, password=None, **extra_fields):
if not …
I have two lists, l1
and l2
. I want to perform l1 - l2
, which …
I want a code which compares multiple integer values for one value and therefore it returns a list as an output …
I have a list of characters like
a = ['he','ll','o',' ','good','mo','rni','n','g']
I want te final output as
hello goodmorning
could …
I am trying to pass the CHOICE field value in Django Template in a tag, like below,
<a href="{% url …
I am looking to find a way to make my HTTP request in a specfic/exact time for example 09:02:00:00 AM. …
Hi team,
I'm working on project, data transfer from onpremis postgres DB to cloud postgres DB through Google cloud data …
i want this to disappear (<django....>) how can i do that
After i receive the email instead of showing the …
How do i work on post, put, get , delete and patch methods on models with relationships from the django …
I have deployed a scrapy project on an ec2. I need a splash for scrapping some websites. Splash is working …
how to fetch images from google cloud to my django image slider web app?
Hi, I'm after some advice, i'm currently new(ish) to Django and want to know what would the best package/framework to …
I was just try to build django ecommerce site from just django channel .Then i got an error User matching …
I have not succesfully been able to have mit django website running via Apache. The problem is now that i …
I'm trying to fix a bug in my project.
When a user goes to the product detail page, the user …
I'm trying to clone the Instagram web page using Django(version-3.1). My Django project has an app called 'post'. One of …
I'm trying to clone instagram web page using Django(version-3.1).
my Django project has an app called 'post'.
one of it's …
I am creating a project where there are Posts and Items, 2 different models in 2 different apps and each …
I need to add an event calendar to my Django app
I have tried Django-scheduler but I can't manage to …
I am posting the link of my prototype,please guide me how can i do this.
I want to make something like when someone download a pdf from my site after downloading download value will be …
This is my nav bar dropdown in django template. I want it to be changed to become a freelancer when we …
How to handle search using filters checkbox in Django?
Hello! I am an industrial engineering student and I am developing a small project with a Gantt chart. I am …
Hello! I am an industrial engineering student and I am developing a small project with a Gantt chart. I am …
Can someone help me change class base to function base, I am better of function base, class base is quite …
I am currently having a single database for service_1 and service_2. Now a client wants to make it a separate …
Hello everyone, i was creating api for comments in django and i submit comment then i got runtime error and …
please can anyone solve the issue. It stopped installing process after sometimes.
I posted it before but accidently …
Currently I am connecting 2 service via search_path and using inspectdb. I wonder if there;s a way like using a …
Anyone can help me with ajax. I'm making a form and getting data from backend but my ajax is not …
Hai Guys, so i am using django and react. Now i need to display a search box in page-2, which …
How do you foreign key an API? Like for Microservices in Django
1. Do I need to make a model …
I am creating to get data from django model to excel sheet,while doing so I am getting all the data …
i am having a problem uploading files to my server (shareserver) in cpanel.
when I upload a file either by …
I have 3 separate django projects and they share the same database.
1. I create a abstractuser model and everytime …
I relly want to know how to send emails from django admin panel...
Like i want to send emails to …
Waiter Task Model
class WaiterTasks(models.Model):
task_id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
admin = models.ForeignKey(Admins, models.DO_NOTHING, blank=True, null=True)
i want to add currency converter to my E-Commerce website. how can i do like this?
what is difference between object and instance? any one give me some clarification with exampke.
I am using my custom login func. when i find the specific user whose id pass is correct i want …
Hi Teckiys,
I have created a newsletter app to send emails to subscribers. After adding a new newsletter and setting …
I'm trying to create a json packet like the one in the first picture. What I'm getting is what's in …
def updatetable(request):
if request.method == 'GET' :
post_id = p_board_detail.objects.filter(board_year_id= year_id)
return HttpResponse("post_id")
I am creating an api for post to add a record into my table but the problem is that i …
Getting bellow error
InvalidRequestError at /cart/checkout/
Request req_SMZSaDduY9pgEX: Invalid string: { "addre...d": null }; must be at most 500 characters …
def update(request,id):
if form.is_valid():
print("Form is valid.")
Hi, I want to create a website visitors counter where it shows on the website how many users visits the website. …
i am trying to update a record from mysql database. Following is my update func.
def update(request,id):
I have a mode in which two fields one is Name and other is Image.
I upload image by the …
I have a problem with the variations and the quantity related to it in the order summary page.
This is …