How do I declare and initialize an array in Java?

Submitted 3 years, 6 months ago
Ticket #229
Views 215
Language/Framework Java
Priority Low
Status Closed

How do I declare and initialize an array in Java?

Submitted on Oct 13, 20
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1 Answer


In general, Array is a collection of data objects of the same data type,

 It is incredibly useful for solving programming problems,

To declare an array in java,

The syntax is:

                        datatype[ ] array_name;

 (datatype) The type of Objects that will be stored in the array eg. Int, float, char, double, etc…

“ [ ] ” Specifies that the declared variable points to an array.

 (array_name) Specifies the variable name of the array.

            Example: int[ ] sum;

To initialize an array in java,

            The syntax is:

            datatype[ ] array_name = new datatype[size];

An array can be initialized to a particular size and the default value of each element is 0.

  Example: int[ ] result =new  int[10];

Here the array of variable is initialized without assigning the values with the size of 10 and you actually reserve 10 int space from memory, (0-9) for array element and +1 for array itself.

With assigning values:

   datatype[ ] array_name = new datatype[size]{no. of  values separated by comma(,)};


   int[ ] add=new int[ ]{1,2,3,4,5};

  When assigning values to an array during initialization, the size is not specified.

For simple, initialization and declaration can also be done in a single statement,

  Ex: int[ ]  add={1,2,3,4,5};

Submitted 3 years, 6 months ago

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