Rank and group in python to form 10 portfolios every month

Submitted 3 years, 7 months ago
Ticket #135
Views 348
Language/Framework Python
Priority Medium
Status Closed

I have a panel of stocks with these columns: Date, Ticker, Ret, MTB. I want to rank the stocks based on the MTB value, every month, and put them into 10 groups. This procedure is needed when I want to make a portfolio. I used to do this very easily in SAS using the following code :

proc rank data=dt out=dt group=10;
  by Date;
    var MTB;
    ranks MTB_Rank;

In Python, however, I couldn't find a straightforward method to rank and group. I used the following method to rank and group by date but the answer is not satisfying!

***dt['MTB_Rank'] = dt.groupby(['Date'])['MTB'].transform(lambda x: pd.qcut(x, q=10, labels=False, duplicates= 'drop'))*** 

The problem is that it doesn't create 10 groups for every date. Infact, it just creates 7 groups for the whole data and each date might only have some groups. I also cannot remove "duplicates= 'drop'" because then the code shows me an error that the Bin edges must be unique. I would be thankful if you can guide me through this problem. Thank you !!!

Submitted on Sep 10, 20
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1 Answer


it's sometimes better to split into smaller steps.

1. Sort your DataFrame properly

df.sort_values(by=['Column1','Column2'], ascending=[True, False], inplace=True)

2. Create a simple iterator column (same as Rank):

df['MTB_Rank'] = df.groupby(['name']).cumcount()+1

3. Refresh group after threshold:

df['MTB_Rank2'] = df.MTB_Rank.apply(lambda x: x - 10 if x > 10 else x)

Submitted 3 years, 6 months ago

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