Read a single byte from large file

Submitted 3 years, 7 months ago
Ticket #166
Views 248
Language/Framework Python
Priority Medium
Status Closed

I have this function that I want to read a single byte from a large file. The only problem is that after a certain amount of file reads the memory on the pc jumps up from a steady 1.5gb to 4gb and higher depending on how many file reads. (I break at 80 files because higher would crash my pc)

All i want is to get the 1 byte and not the whole file. Help please.

 def mem_test():
        count = 0
        for dirpath, dnames, fnames in scandir.walk(restorePaths[0]):
            for f in fnames:
                if 'DIR.EDB' in f or 'PRIV.EDB' in f:
                    f = open(os.path.join(dirpath, f), 'rb')
           #Problem line!
                    if count > 80:
                        print 'EXIT'
                    count += 1

Submitted on Sep 13, 20
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1 Answer


The basic file operations in Python. This opens one file, reads the data into memory, then opens the second file and writes it out.

in_file = open("in-file", "rb") # opening for [r]eading as [b]inary
data = # if you only wanted to read 512 bytes, do .read(512)

out_file = open("out-file", "wb") # open for [w]riting as [b]inary

We can do this more succinctly by using the with keyboard to handle closing the file.

with open("in-file", "rb") as in_file, open("out-file", "wb") as out_file:

If you don't want to store the entire file in memory, you can transfer it in pieces.

piece_size = 4096 # 4 KiB

with open("in-file", "rb") as in_file, open("out-file", "wb") as out_file:
    while True:
        piece =

        if piece == "":
            break # end of file


Submitted 3 years, 6 months ago

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