Ongoing Knowledge - Keep Learning ang Keep Sharing

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
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       One way to learn and gain knowledge is to share knowledge. There is no meaning to gain knowledge unless you use and share it. Noone can take it away from you unless you can give it away.

                 Knowledge increases by sharing not by saving. I strongly believe that sharing is the best way of learning and remembering things. Learning from others and, in return, sharing what you have learned can push the boundaries of collaboration and innovation – in all areas of life. Two heads think better than one. When different skills and experiences collide, eye-opening ideas and solutions emerge. Knowledge is like glue that sticks information as well as learning together. 

                     Learning something new is always hard from outside, but once it opens up it is very smooth like a cake walk. Look around you, there are so many to learn. Today's environment demands lifelong learning skills. Whenever we are asked to learn something new, a fear gets over us to let us know that “No, no you can never do it”, but once you get over that feeling you’ll definitely enter an incredible world of new ideas and plans, it will  improve your knowledge. There is no period to learning. You will grow up by sharing and gaining knowledge from others. It will help to shine yourself and also help others to shine.

                      Sharing your knowledge means keeping you updated. Sharing knowledge in our life is a better way to reduce the complexity. Sharing our failure experiences leads suceess to others. Knowledge sharing can be defined in so many ways.

         Now a days there are many resources to share our knowledge.

          1. Writing articles

          2. Live presentations

          3. Group discussions

          Ongoing knowledge sharing is important for several reasons:

              Whenever information changes continuosly, it must be shared with the people who rely on that.

                      In an organization back and forth sharing of knowledge between different people leads success to that organization. 

There are some online portals for knowledge sharing where you can LEARN, EARN and SHARE. 


                                       KNOWLEDGE- LEARN - SHARE 

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Joined on Jan. 21, 2021

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